Proceedings: all participants have been given the link to the page from which they can download all presentations. Proceedings are also available free of charge to all EWEA members via the EWEA Members’ Area. For non-EWEA members, proceedings can be ordered on this page.

Programme outline

Tuesday 2 June 2015
08:00-09:00 Registration and welcome refreshments in the exhibition and poster area
09:00-09:05 Welcome and opening remarks
09:05-11:00 Session 1 – Mesoscale modelling
11:00-11:45 Refreshments break in the exhibition and poster area – Poster session
11:45-13:30 Session 2 – Site suitability: what do we do next?
13:30-15:00 Lunch in the exhibition and poster area
15:00-17:00 Session 3 – Measurements
17:00-18:30 Drinks reception in the exhibition and poster area – Poster session
19:30-23:00 Workshop dinner reception at Helsinki City Hall for all participants, followed by drinks
Wednesday 3 June 2015
08:00-09:00 Welcome refreshments
09:00-11:00 Session 4 – Stepping over the line: Turbine output in real conditions
11:00-11:45 Refreshments break in the exhibition and poster area
11:45-13:30 Session 5 – Wakes: where are we now?
13:30-15:00 Lunch in the exhibition and poster area

Detailed programme

Tuesday 2 June 2015 – 09:10 – 11:00
Session 1: Mesoscale modelling

Session chair: Hans Ejsing Jørgensen, head of section, DTU Wind

Session description: In this session several aspects regarding the use of mesoscale models in wind resource assessment will be presented such as:

  • How can we utilize the large scale reanalysis data to come up with a better estimate of the global and regional wind ressources (The global windatlas)?
  • Efficient ways of calculation the wind resources through the use of mesoscale data
  • What is the variation of the output of different mesoscale models given their different setup and input?
  • Can mesoscale models be used for micro siting?

The session will be followed by a more general discussion about the use of mesoscale models within wind resource assessment and siting.


The new worldwide microscale wind resource assessment data on IRENA’s Global Atlas Jake Badger
Senior researcher
DTU (confirmed)
Computationally Efficient Dynamical Downscaling with an Analog Ensemble: Application to Wind Resource Assessment Daran Rife
Global Head of Mesoscale Modeling
DNV GL (confirmed)
Can Mesoscale models reach the Microscale? Gil Lizcano
R&D Director
Vortex (confirmed)
Presentation of the Mesoscale modelling benchmarking exercise (30′)
Andrea Hahmann
Senior Scientist
DTU (confirmed)
followed by discussion
Discussant:Clive Wilson
Manager Mesoscale Model Development
MET Office


Tuesday 2 June 2015 – 11:45 – 13:30
Session 2: Site suitability: what do we do next?

Session chair: Lars Landberg, Director, Strategic Research & Innovation, Renewables, DNV GL

Session description: This session will address the current state within the field of site suitability. In particular it will address:

  • The estimation of mean winds, extreme winds and turbulence intensities;
  • The use of statistical methods;
  • The connection between uncertainties and loads;
  • The economic optimisation of operating assets.


Climate forecasts for site selection: a new generation of risk management tools Albert Soret
is Senior Researcher, Co-leader of the services group
BSC-CNS (confirmed)
Extreme Winds in the Suitability Context Matthew Hendrickson
Global Manager of Assessment
Vaisala (confirmed)
How reliable is the Peak-over-threshold extreme wind assessment method? Ole Steen Rathmann
Senior Researcher
DTU (confirmed)
Uncertainty in wind climate parameters and the consequence for fatigue load assessment
Henrik Stensgaard Toft
Associate Professor
Aalborg University, Denmark (confirmed)

Tuesday 2 June 2015 – 15:00-17:00
Session 3: Measurements

Session chair: Tomas Blodau, Head of Department Wind and Site, Senvion

Session description: The focus of this session is on reduction of uncertainty and cost of both onshore and offshore wind measurements. From optimising onshore deployment locations to a comparison of floating solutions, LiDAR measurement is given special attention.


Cup Anemometers: calibration, uncertainty, and bias Taylor Geer
Global Head of Practice, Energy and Development Services
DNV GL  (confirmed)
Uncertainty in power performance measurement using LiDARs (working title)
Mike Courtney
Senior Researcher
DTU (confirmed)
Foresighted planning of LiDAR measurement campaigns by using error maps Doron Callies
Fraunhofer IWES (confirmed)
Cost effective Offshore Wind Measurement campaigns using Scanning LiDAR: 2 Offshore Campaigns in France
Emma Coutts
Oldbaum Services (confirmed)
Floating LiDAR as a cost-effective and reliable alternative Michiel Müller
Unit Manager Wind Energy
Ecofys (confirmed)


Wednesday 3 June 2015 – 09:10-11:00
Session 4: 
Stepping over the line: Turbine output in real conditions

Session chair: Oisin Brady, Director, Gaoithe Renewable Energy
Co-chair: Peter Stuart, Senior Technical Manager, RES

Session description: This session explores two areas where further detail can be brought to bear in energy yield assessments:

  • Turbine performance and how this varies as a function of several factors, not just wind speed
  • Energy yield assessment on a time-dependent basis – is there a gain in precision to be had?


A novel and universally applicable turbine performance prediction method Neil Atkinson
Manager Europe
Prevailing (confirmed)
An Advanced Understanding of the Impact of Deviations in Turbine Performance Taylor Geer
Global Head of Practice, Energy and Development Services
DNV GL  (confirmed)
Case study of time dependent energy yield assessment Daniel Marmander
Senior Wind Analyst
Natural Power (confirmed)
Update on the works of the Power Curve Working Group Peter Stuart
Senior Technical Manager
RES Ltd (confirmed)



Wednesday 3 June 2015 – 11:45-13:30
Session 5: Wakes: where are we now?

Session chair: Jan Coelingh, Wind Resource Manager, Nuon Wind (Vattenfall)

Session description: The session will provide insight in several aspects of wakes:

  • validation of wake losses based on production data of existing wind farms
  • investigation of wake effects between offshore wind farms at a distance
  • appeal to share data for improving the industry’s knowledge for the future
  • results from the CREYAP offshore to see how the industry is doing now


Offshore wind farm wake modelling with focus on cluster scales Charlotte Hasager
Senior Scientist
DTU (confirmed)
The need for data sharing for improved wake modelling Miriam Marchante
Wind Specialist
DONG Energy (confirmed)
The Uncertainty around Wind Flow Models and Wakes: Using Pattern of Production to Evaluate Pre-construction Predictions Cory Sieg
Senior Analyst
EDF Renewable Energy (confirmed)
Moving Beyond Unvalidated Wake Models Jean-François Corbett
Head of CFD wind flow modelling
DNV GL – Renewables (confirmed)
Offshore CREYAP 2 results presentation, with focus on wakes Niels Gylling Mortensen
Senior Researcher
DTU (confirmed)