SEASTAR Alliance, a new collaborative group within the European offshore wind industry, has formed to strengthen industry developments in the Northern Seas.
SEASTAR Alliance was originally formed in 2014 to identify the industry successes and challenges, but will formally launch its program of work as a value adding industry group, bringing national successes and opportunities for cooperation to the European forefront.
“SEASTAR Alliance is all about international collaboration and knowledge sharing. We invite everyone to find out what we’re doing to reduce costs together at our launch at EWEA OFFSHORE 2015” says Andreas Wagner, Managing Director of Stiftung Offshore-Windenergie.
The alliance aims to encourage international cooperation within the industry, and it intends to use connections in both the industry and in governmental bodies to pursue cost reduction, knowledge sharing and offshore grid development.
The founding members of SEASTAR Alliance are Adam Bruce of the UK Crown Estate’s Offshore Wind Programme Board, who serves as the alliance’s chair, Andreas Wagner of Germany’s Offshore Wind Energy Foundation and Jørgen Skovmose Madsen of Danskenergi, and TKI Wind Op Zee has recently joined to represent the Netherlands.
The group has already been in early contact with the European Commission’s DG Energy prior to its official launch, and it hopes to continue working closely with regulatory officials from the EU and Member States, alongside all levels of the offshore wind industry to achieve cost reduction goals, promote best practice, and work collaboratively on offshore transmission.
SEASTAR Alliance will launch at EWEA OFFSHORE 2015 on Wednesday 11 March. All registered event participants are welcome to attend. For more information, visit
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