Legal disclaimer
Email disclaimer
The content of EWEA e-mails, including any attachment(s), may contain information which is confidential and/or protected by copyright. They are directed to the intended recipient(s) only. If you have received an e-mail in error, please contact ewea(at) to notify us and immediately delete the e-mail.
E-mails are not secure and cannot be guaranteed to be error free as they can be intercepted, amended, lost or destroyed, or contain viruses. Neither EWEA nor the sender accepts any responsibility for viruses and it is your responsibility to scan or otherwise check this e-mail and any attachments.
Any e-mail communication of a personal nature is not made by or on behalf of EWEA.
Website disclaimer
The access to and the use of this website are subject to the following Disclaimer. By further visiting this website or by any use thereof, you expressly accept this Disclaimer. If you are experiencing trouble when reading this Disclaimer or in case you do not agree with the content thereof, we ask you not to make any further use of this site.
Nature of the information made available
EWEA makes considerable efforts to take care that the information offered on this website is complete, correct, accurate and up-to-date. Despite these efforts, inaccuracies may occur. This website and any material are made available "as is" and without any guarantees being offered. Hence, the use of this site and of the information contained thereon occurs exclusively at your own risk.
EWEA endeavours to secure the website with all reasonable methods, and to limit possible inconveniences caused by technical defaults as much as possible. EWEA can nonetheless not exclude the possibility that wrongful technical manoeuvres or unauthorised interventions occur. For these reasons EWEA cannot guarantee that access to the website will not be interrupted or will not in any other way be troubled by similar problems. EWEA will in any event not be liable for any indirect damage or consequential damage. Nothing in this Disclaimer excludes the liability of EWEA for wilful intent, fraud or gross negligence.
External hyperlinks
This website contains hyperlinks to other websites over which EWEA does not exercise any technical control or any control with respect to the content. EWEA cannot offer any guarantee with respect to the completeness or the correctness of the content, nor with respect to the availability of these websites, and therefore does not accept any liability for any direct or indirect damages resulting from the use thereof.
Links to the EWEA website
You may link to the EWEA home page and individual pages within EWEA's website without requiring our permission. For any technical questions you may have, please do not hesitate to contact [email protected]. As a general rule, however, we do request that those linking to our website respect the following conditions:
- Links should not be used in a defamatory context;
- Those creating links to specific pages within our websites or other online resources should be aware that specific page URLs are subject to change without notice;
- The EWEA logo or member of EWEA logo must not be copied nor used to create links without first gaining permission from EWEA (please contact [email protected] for further information);
- If you choose to create a link to our website, we will not necessarily offer to create a reciprocal link. Conversely if we choose to create a link to your website, there is no obligation for you to create a reciprocal link.
Intellectual property
The text, images, video files and audio files that are represented on this site can be reproduced provided data integrity is maintained and EWEA copyright duly indicated. When in doubt about intellectual property, contact the EWEA Secretariat at [email protected].
Applicable law and competent court
This Disclaimer is governed by Belgian law. By using this website you agree that in case of a dispute, the courts of Brussels shall have sole jurisdiction.

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