© Siemens AG
Big problems need big solutions and at EWEA OFFSHORE 2015 the topic on everyone’s lips will be bringing down the costs of offshore wind. How can we “think bigger” on ways to solve the cost problem?
Capital costs in offshore wind are significantly higher than the capital costs of onshore wind – what can be done to close this gap? Where can the biggest cost reductions be made, and by when might we be seeing a reduction in the costs of offshore?
Offshore wind power faces the unique challenges of installation at sea requiring special vessels and specially adapted ports. The lack of availability of these key facilities can hamper the development of offshore wind – what can be done to turn this situation around?
But it’s not just the lack of specialised equipment that is keeping costs high, cost reductions can be made across the spectrum from finding the right advances in research and development, to adopting the appropriate health and safety measures for the industry.
Learn more about the very latest thinking on cutting costs as expert speakers share their knowledge and innovative solutions during the event’s 24 conference sessions. Participants can expect to hear new ways to tackle cost reduction in a broad range of fields including supply chain logistics, research, grids and markets.
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