EWEA 2012 Annual Event
Monday 16 – Thursday 19 April 2012 | Bella Center, Copenhagen, Denmark
Event numbers
- 10,600+
- Participants
- 500+
- Leading exhibitors
- 400+
- Presenters
- 100+
- Expert speakers
- 40+
- Conference sessions
Event Highlights…
40+ conference sessions
Conference proceedings are available to all full 4-day conference delegates: log in here. The proceedings include all submitted abstracts and PowerPoint presentations, synchronised audio files, video files of selected sessions, poster presentations and full papers (where available).
For all other event participants or for those who did not attend, find out how to purchase the conference proceedings.
500+ exhibitors
Europe’s premier wind energy event broke a new record this year. With over 10,600 participants and 12,000m2 of exhibition space housing more than 500 exhibitors, it is the biggest and busiest EWEA Annual Event to date. Download the complete Event Guide.
Business and networking
The wind industry community from across the globe met for four days of business and networking at Europe’s premier wind energy event at Copenhagen’s Bella Center. If you weren’t there, take a look at the networking events you missed out on and see who was there
Event News
Day Four

Day Three
Day Two
Day One
Monday, 16 April 2012, 11:00 – 12:30 European competitiveness and financing wind projects: two key issues which are common topics discussed in the industry. This session aims to showcase some of the conflicting views and to provoke interesting discussion on these issues which are so significant to all of us. Moderated by Dr. Patrick Dixon – futurist, author and business consultant – this session promises to be a lively debate.
Wednesday, 18 April 2012, 14:00 – 15:30 Against the backdrop of the Danish EU Presidency and the European Commission’s energy roadmap, this session will explore Europe’s energy future. Denmark’s Energy minister, Martin Lidegaard, will chair a discussion that asks leading industry figures how they see the development of the industry after 2020. Join this session to hear senior representatives from some of wind’s best-known companies react to strategies being mapped out at EU level.
Thursday, 19 April 2012, 11:00 – 12:30 After four days of conference, you have absorbed a huge amount of information – make sure you remember it! This session is your session – by actively discussing with your peers, you will remind yourself of what you have learnt, and take far more away with you. Come with an open mind and find out what the track chairs and other delegates consider to be the most crucial lessons for our industry to take from the event.
Exhibition hall events:
With a captive audience of wind industry professionals, hold your own event / company pitch / product launch in the exhibition halls to boost your company profile. See the events already confirmed & book yours

TPWind workshop: “Funding wind energy R&D: Achievements and future challenges” 17 April 2012 – 11:00-12:30
Room 18, Bella Center, Copenhagen, Denmark See all project workshops TWENTIES:

TWENTIES workshop: “Unveiling the future energy system: full scale demonstrations to reach 2020 targets” 17 April 2012 – 13:00-17:30, Room 18, Bella Center, Copenhagen, Denmark See all project workshops Pre-event seminar 2:
Attend the ‘Wind Energy – The Facts’ pre-event seminar to get a view of the industry as a whole and put your own speciality into context. Programme and registration Sunday 15 April 2012, 11:00-17:00 followed by a drinks reception
Pre-event seminar 1:
‘Wind Energy – The Facts’ pre-event semainar programme and registration Sunday 15 April 2012
11:00-17:00 followed by a drinks reception
Auditorium 12, Bella Center, Copenhagen, Denmark

EERA-DTOC workshop: “Development of design tools for offshore wind farm clusters” 17 April 2012 – 16:00-17:45
Room 20, Bella Center, Copenhagen, Denmark See all project workshops
Project workshop These workshops are organised by EWEA and are open to all EWEA 2012 conference delegates, exhibition visitors and exhibitors. For full details and to register to attend one or more of the workshops please see the pages below.
TPWind workshop:
“Funding wind energy R&D: Achievements and future challenges” 17 April 2012 – 11:00-12:30
Room 18, Bella Center, Copenhagen, Denmark
More information & registrationTWENTIES workshop: “Unveiling the future energy system: full scale demonstrations to reach 2020 targets” Tuesday 17 April 2012 – 13:00-17:30
Room 18, Bella Center, Copenhagen, Denmark
More information & registration EERA workshop: “Development of design tools for offshore wind farm clusters (EERA – DTOC)” Tuesday 17 April 2012 – 16:00-17:45
Room 20, Bella Center, Copenhagen, Denmark
More information & registration Pre-event seminar: ‘Wind Energy – The Facts’ Sunday 15 April 2012
Auditorium 12, Bella Center, Copenhagen EWEA will again precede its annual event with its highly successful introduction to wind energy that builds on its ‘Wind Energy – The Facts’ publication, widely considered to be the most reliable reference published to date.
Attendance is open to all at very competitive rates and with significant reductions for EWEA members, academics, students and NGOs.
For more information International matchmaking: Meet the Danish wind industry Tuesday 17 April 2012 – 09:00 – 12:30
Bella Center, Copenhagen, Denmark
Attend the largest matchmaking event during EWEA 2012 in Copenhagen. This will be a great opportunity to establish partnerships between Danish and European wind industry companies.
Organised by the Danish Wind Industry Association, the EcoCluP consortium, Copenhagen Capacity and two members of the International Cleantech Network; Renewable Energy Hamburg and Copenhagen Cleantech Cluster.
For more information German-French Renewable Energy Coordination Office event Fostering wind energy development through a new regulatory framework? Experiences from France and Germany. Wednesday 18 April 2012 – 13:30 – 15:30
Bella Center, Copenhagen, Denmark
This side event organized by the
German-French Renewable Energy Coordination Office will provide participants with in-depth knowledge of the recent developments in the regulatory framework for wind energy in France and Germany.
For more information
Martin Lidegaard:

“Wind power is a pivotal element in the necessary transition to a green growth economy. EWEA 2012 will focus on the innovation and green solutions that we need in order to promote green and sustainable growth and reach our target of a low-carbon Europe by 2050. I am happy that this year’s EWEA Annual Event will be held in Copenhagen, and I look forward to chairing the high level panel debate on European Energy Supply towards 2030.”Martin Lidegaard, Minister for Climate, Energy and Building, Denmark.
Photo: Carsten Snejbjerg