15 yrs
WW200910, Brussels in brief

ENTSO-E to launch pilot grid code for wind energy


The European Network of Transmission System Operators (ENTSO-E) has announced that it will launch a pilot code project for wind generation, aiming towards the harmonisation of grid code requirements for wind generators throughout Europe. This comes as the first step towards harmonising network codes across Europe, which is part of the remit of ENTSO-E under the present third electricity market liberalisation package

“This is exciting news for the wind industry, as it means wind generation will be at the forefront of code harmonisation, which is important to avoid unnecessary costs for manufacturers and developers, to increase transparency, to facilitate the adoption of best practices and to optimise the operation of the power system”, said Paul Wilczek, Regulatory Affairs Advisor at EWEA.

Shortly after the pilot code project was announced, ERGEG - the body that unites the European energy regulators for electricity and gas - announced it would set up an expert group, which will present its comments on the project to ENTSO-E.

It is expected that this process will take place during the course of 2009, with a first pilot code draft available in spring 2010.

For more information on ENTSO-E, see “Networking for Europe’s future” article below.


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