News, Press2009
20 year plan for offshore energy grid presented to Commission
A 20 year plan for the development of European offshore wind power was presented to governments and EU officials by the European Wind Energy Association (EWEA) yesterday at the world's largest-ever meeting on harnessing Europe's most plentiful energy source.
EWEA’s 20 year offshore network development plan, launched to 4,000 business and government participants at the European Offshore Wind 2009 Conference today in Stockholm, provides a comprehensive approach to constructing a transnational offshore power grid. Building on the 11 grids already in place and the 21 being studied by grid operators in the North and Baltic Seas, EWEA proposes eight additional offshore grids by 2020 and six more by 2030.
2010 is a key year for planning Europe's future electricity grid, which needs massive upgrading, as the European Commission is due to publish a Blueprint for a North Sea Grid while European electricity network operators will publish a 10 year plan for developing a truly European grid - essential for a single European energy market, harnessing renewable energies and improving security of supply.
“EWEA’s new offshore network plan will provide a truly pan-European electricity super highway”, said Christian Kjaer, Chief Executive of EWEA. “This will bring affordable electricity to consumers, reduce import dependence, cut CO₂ emissions and allow Europe to access its largest domestic energy source – offshore wind.
“EWEA urges the European Commission to incorporate our plan when drafting its Blueprint for a North Sea Grid, and the European Network of Transmission System Operators to do the same when drafting its 10 Year Network Development Plan”, Kjaer went on.
To see EWEA’s offshore network development plan and find out more about the European Offshore Wind 2009 Conference:

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