16 yrs
Brussels in brief, WW200906

The European Wind Initiative: taking the sector forwards


Sarah Clifford spoke to Henning Kruse, chairman of the European Wind Energy Technology Platform (TPWind) about the European Wind Initiative (EWI), what it is, and what it means for the wind energy sector.

SC: What is the EWI?
HK: The EWI is the roadmap for the research and innovation actions that will help the wind energy sector meet its targets for 2020, 2030 and 2050. The EWI roadmap is based on the research and innovation needs of the sector, as identified by TPWind in its Strategic Research Agenda and Market Development Strategy, published in 2008.  

Why is the EWI so important?
It is a unique possibility for the whole wind sector to discuss directly with the EU and national decision-makers on how the sector’s targets can be met. It is the first time this has ever happened.

How will the EWI be financed?
The stakeholder whom each action benefits the most will give most financing for that action, whether it be the industry, the EU Member States or the EU institutions. We expect about €3 billion to come from the public sector – through the EU instruments such as the Framework Programmes for example, and National Programmes - and about €3 billion from the industry.

What stage are you at now, and what happens next?
We’ve nearly finished putting the EWI together - we are currently fine-tuning the wording. We expect it to be approved in autumn this year, and then we will need to put the money in place.

More information on TPWind and the EWI can be found here.


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