16 yrs
WW200902, EWEA events

Opportunity to tutor renewable energy students


EUREC Agency coordinates the academic programme ‘European Master in Renewable Energy’ ( www.master.eurec.be ). The Academic Year 2008-2009 of the RE Master course started on 8 September 2008.

There are currently 36 students registered for this course. The specialisation distribution is as follows:

Wind Energy : 12 students
Hybrid systems : 11 students
Photovoltaics : 8 students
Bioenergy : 5 students

In order to receive their Master’s degree, students have to complete an internship in a private company or other organisation. This enables students to gain practical experience on the type of work that they will perform after their studies. It will also be the basis to write their Thesis, which will be presented in Brussels in December. Students are supposed to start working on their Final Projects in June 2009. Projects can be done inside companies or research institutes/universities.

Projects should be related to the specialisation chosen by the student. However, other subjects can also be proposed. The final topic is agreed with the core and specialisation providers. Each student should be assigned a professional tutor from the host organisation, an academic tutor from the core provider and from the specialisation provider, where appropriate.

Those interested associations are invited to get in touch with EUREC directly at [email protected] and ask for the project proposal form.



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