17 yrs
News, Press2007

Offshore wind in Europe: 2020 vision


On 4 December, over 1000 representatives of the offshore wind industry, policy makers and energy specialists will gather to discuss the future of offshore wind energy in Europe as a concrete energy and climate solution. Organised by the European Wind Energy Association (EWEA), the European Offshore Wind Conference and Exhibition will mark the launch of EWEA’s Offshore Report, which outlines offshore potential up to 2020 and highlights the political and technical challenges to be addressed in order to achieve large-scale deployment.

Confirmed speakers for the opening session and for the press conference:

  • Maud Olofsson, Minister for Enterprise and Energy and Communications, Sweden
  • Jakob Axel Nielsen, Minister for Transport and Energy, Denmark
  • Michael Müller, Parliamentary State Secretary, German Ministry for the Environment, Nature Conservation and Nuclear Safety, Germany
  • Mechtild Rothe, MEP, Vice President of the European Parliament
  • Alfonso Gonzalez Finat, Director, new and renewable sources of energy, energy efficiency & Innovation, European Commission
  • Arthouros Zervos, President, European Wind Energy Association (EWEA)

During the press conference the German Environment Parliamentary State Secretary and the Danish and Swedish Energy Ministers will sign a Joint Declaration on Cooperation in the Field of Research on Offshore Wind Energy Deployment. This document was first signed by Germany and Denmark on 10 September 2005, as an open instrument for enhanced cooperation among countries with relevant offshore wind power resources.

Europe needs to exploit its vast offshore wind resource in order to achieve the binding 20% renewable energy target adopted by the Heads of State in March 2007. Up until now, wind energy development has mainly been onshore. At the end of 2006, offshore wind farms represented 1.8% of the total installed wind power capacity. EWEA’s report estimates that up to 40 GW of offshore wind energy capacity could be operating in the European Union by 2020.

Offshore wind is an emerging industry and a new user of the sea with distinct industrial and political development requirements compared to onshore wind power. Industrial commitment and ambition, research and development efforts, political action at Member State and EU level and development of adequate grid infrastructure are all factors that will determine the level of offshore wind energy installations by 2020. All these topics are thoroughly analysed by EWEA’s report and will be discussed at Offshore Wind 2007.

The Conference programme consists of 22 separate sessions with presentations from over 100 leading experts and decision makers. In parallel with the conference sessions, there will be an exhibition with over 100 of the leading companies involved in offshore wind energy. Offshore Wind 2007 is the ideal place to examine the technologies, hardware and services that keep the offshore business moving.


4-6 December 2007


Estrel Convention Centre
Berlin, Germany


Organisers: European Wind Energy Association (EWEA)

EWEA is the voice of the wind industry, actively promoting the utilisation of wind power in Europe and worldwide. It now has over 350 members from 40 countries including manufacturers with a 98% share of the world wind power market, plus component suppliers, research institutes, contractors, national wind and renewables associations, developers, electricity providers, finance and insurance companies and consultants. This combined strength makes EWEA the world’s largest and most powerful wind energy network.


A press conference will take place on 4 December at 12.00, right after the opening session.

A press room will be provided for journalists with computers, as well as catering, background information and press packs covering the main topics of the conference.

For more information about the programme and registration form (free access to accredited press): http://www.eow2007.info/

Contacts for press: [email protected] - +32486277169 / [email protected] - +32474542025


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