17 yrs
News in Brief, BB200710

EUFORES Declaration of Berlin


The seventh Inter-Parliamentary Meeting on Renewable Energy, organised by the European Forum for Renewable Energy Sources (EUROFES), took place on 5-6 October in the German Parliament. More than 60 Members of Parliament and 40 experts from the European Commission and different industry and business sectors came to the two-day conference, in order to discuss the most recent developments in the field of EU policy on renewable energy.

At the end of the conference, the MPs and MEPs adopted the Berlin Declaration. In this Declaration, the parliamentarians welcome the 20% RES binding targets agreed by heads of state in March 2007 and outline their vision for the Framework Directive for renewable energy sources that is likely to be tabled in early 2008. Listing the key energy-related challenges currently facing the EU, such as climate change, energy demand, import dependency and rising prices, the Declaration outlines the EU legislation on renewable energy sources (RES) to date, and the strong growth in the renewable energy sector so far. It examines the key elements that the parliamentarians believe should be taken into consideration for the new RES legislation, calling for binding sectoral targets in national renewable action plans and a fair means of sharing out the 20% targets between Member States. The Declaration supports midterm targets for 2015 in order to monitor the ongoing process, an assessment process and sanctions for Member States that fail to meet their targets. Another crucial point is the need to withdraw the idea of a mandatory EU trading system, as it could undermine the existing successful national systems.

To read the Declaration of Berlin, click here
To learn more about EUROFES, please click here


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