18 yrs
EWEA Activities, BB200706

The European Wind Energy Technology Platform



http://www.windplatform.eu The Technology Platform is looking for high-level experts for the Finance Working Group and each of the Working Groups (see structure below).

A Group is a small number (around 20) of high-level people who are willing to provide intellectual input, attend meetings and actively participate in the Technology Platform activities.

Members of the Technology Platform are representatives from the public and private sectors at Senior and Director level. Membership is subject to validation by the Steering Committee.

To apply, please go to http://www.windplatform.eu and carefully read the description of your Group. Then, download and fill in the relevant application form. Application forms must be sent to the Secretariat of the Technology Platform:

email: secretariat(at)windplatform.eu

DEADLINE IS: 31 August 2007

The Structure was endorsed during the second Steering Committee meeting, held on 9 May 2007 in Milan. The structure is as follows:

The Elected Chairpersons for the Technology, Research and Development and the Policy/Market Development Working Groups are:

- WG1 : Wind Energy Resource - E. Petersen
- WG2 : Wind Power Systems- J. Beurskens
- WG3 : Wind Energy Integration - J. Buddenberg (Temporary)
- WG4 : Offshore Development and Operation - A. MacAskill
- WG5: Wind Market & Economics - A. Santamaria (Temporary)
- WG6: Wind Policy & Environment -  A. Zervos

For each of the Groups, a preliminary Work Programme is available online at: http://www.windplatform.eu


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