18 yrs
News in Brief, BB200705

Intelligent Energy – Europe: call for proposals has been launched


Intelligent Energy – Europe (IEE), which has become the main community tool to tackle non-technological barriers to the spread of efficient use of energy and greater use of new and renewable energy sources, builds on the experience of the first IEE (2003–2006) programme.

From 2007, the second Intelligent Energy – Europe programme (2007-2013) forms part of a broader EU programme, the Competitiveness and Innovation Framework Programme (CIP). This programme is managed by the Intelligent Energy Executive Agency (IEEA).

The IEEA has launched its 2007 call for proposals, which focuses on 5 policy objectives: enabling policies, market transformation, behavioral change, and access to capital and training.

Approximately €52 million will be available to finance around 65 grants for projects and around 12 new energy management agencies. The call documents are available on the IEEA website. The deadline for the submission of proposals is 28 September 2007.

In the new programme, the funding will go up to 75% of the eligible costs, up from 50% in previous years. The overhead calculation will be simpler, as a 60% flat rate will be used to calculate direct staff costs.

Please note that other calls for proposals are open under the 7th Framework Programme (FP7). These can be accessed at the FP7 website. The FP7-SME-2007-2 call on Research for SME Associations has an indicative budget of €10 million and is open until 1 June 2007.


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