EWEA Activities, BB200705
European Wind Day – Up to 50 events across Europe
On 15 June 2007, we will celebrate the power of wind in more than 60 towns and cities across Europe. This first ever pan-European campaign for the promotion of wind energy now has its own website, which lists the numerous events that will take place next month.
June 15 is fast approaching and this new campaign is developing a strong identity and gathering strong support across Europe, attracting the interest of many stakeholders. Organised by EWEA, in cooperation with companies and national associations throughout Europe, the European Wind Day aims at increasing awareness among decision makers and the general public on the power, popularity and effectiveness of wind energy.
The official Wind Day website provides a detailed description of the campaign’s philosophy, messages and goals. For example, the section ‘Plug into wind’ outlines the possibility of choosing electricity from clean energy sources; an electronic postcard offers visitors the opportunity to invite a friend, colleague or politician to switch to green electricity and use the e-card to spread this message.
The section “Facts and figures” provides basic information on wind energy technology, economics and science. The site also provides statistics, data and future targets for the next 25 years.
National events
The European Wind Day is first and foremost a series of wind energy events that will take place simultaneously across Europe. National associations and industries are planning several types of initiatives across European capitals, regions and cities. The ‘Wind event’ section of the website demonstrates the wide-spread support for the launch of the Wind Day, with the proactive involvement of 15 countries. By clicking on the green spinning windmill situated on the map you can obtain a full explanation of each national event, as well as the organiser’s contact details.
Starting on June 15, and lasting the whole week-end, 48 different events have already been confirmed, with Spain, Austria, Greece, Hungary and Lithuania being the most active participants, and boasting as many as 19 events. In France, the main national wind industry players will take part in a boat race in the Languedoc Roussillon region – one of the windiest sites in France. In other countries, such as Ireland, Denmark, the Netherlands, the UK and Estonia, there will be press conferences, school activities and visits to wind farms.
Brussels and Belgium, home to EWEA’s headquarters and the core European institutions, will be at the heart of the campaign. Exhibitions, competitions and wind farm open days will be organised by three associations. In addition, a spectacular event in the EU area will add a European dimension to the Wind Day.
For more information about the European Wind Day, the forthcoming events across Europe and the campaign participants, please contact the EWEA Communication team [email protected] or log on to the official website www.windday.eu

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