EWEA Activities, BB200704
TPWind session at EWEC 2007
The European Wind Energy Technology Platform TPWind, which was launched on 19 October 2006 in Brussels, will present its activities to the conference to be held in Milan this May.
On 21 March 2007, the newly elected Steering Committee met for the first time. TPWind will facilitate the development of effective, complementary, national and EU policy. Its aim is to build markets and a collaborative strategy for technology development and ultimately to bring about cost reductions equal to the cheapest alternative electricity generation technologies.
TPWind will consist of stakeholders from industry, government, civil society, R&D institutions, finance organisations and the wider power sector, at Member State and EU levels. TPWind will have the necessary representation or ‘critical mass’ of wind-specific knowledge and experience to be able to fully understand and map realistic and prioritised pathways for policy and technology R&D. It will also take into account the full range of sector needs. The platform’s Secretariat is funded by the European Commission.
The progress made so far by the project consortium will be presented during a workshop at the EWEC 2007 conference. The TPWind workshop will take place on Wednesday 9 May from 16:00 to 17:30.
To view the full conference programme, please click here. If you would like more information on the TPWind project, please consult the project website: http://www.windplatform.eu/
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