News in Brief, BB200704
80% of Europeans agree on a minimum percentage for renewable energy in each Member State.
‘More than 80% agree that the EU should set a minimum percentage for renewable energy in each member state’ according to the new Eurobarometer poll issued on March 5.
The opinion poll also confirms that an overwhelming majority (87%) of European Union citizens are concerned about climate change and global warming. The level of concern increases significantly as we look further south: people in Spain, Cyprus, Malta and Greece are the most worried.
Europeans are well aware of the impact of energy production and consumption on climate change and global warming, In order to face up to the climate change challenge, more than seven out of ten Europeans accept that they will need to change their energy-consumption habits in the next decade and install energy-saving heating, lighting, cooling and other such equipment. Only in the Baltic countries does the support for a renewables target barely reach half the population.
61% of the overall EU population thinks that the share of nuclear energy should be reduced. The support for nuclear is stronger than the opposition to it in Bulgaria, Czech Republic, Slovakia and Finland. Almost all (92%) Europeans back the introduction of common, high safety requirements for all nuclear installations in the EU. In case of a sudden shortage of gas or oil, 79% of Europeans believe that the Member State in question should be able to rely on the reserves of other EU Member States. An overwhelming majority (62%) also feel that the best way to tackle energy-related issues would be at EU level.
Source: Eurobarometer: Attitudes on issues related to EU Energy Policy. (5 March, 2007)
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