18 yrs
Policy, Press2007

EU Energy package - Open letter to Heads of State prior to the Spring Summit


This Thursday and Friday, the EU Heads of State will meet in Brussels to discuss the package of measures establishing a new Energy policy for Europe which was issued by the European Commission on 10 January. A centrepiece of the package is the proposal of an overall binding target for 20% of the EU energy supply to be provided by renewable energy sources by 2020. The Energy Ministers and the EU ambassadors decided to leave that specific decision to the Spring Summit.

Last Friday, the European Wind Energy Association (EWEA) sent an open letter to the 27 Heads of State asking them to support the binding EU-wide 20% target for renewables. A stable legal framework and strong signals for the future direction of renewable electricity are fundamental mainstays for the wind energy sector and are necessary to maintain and further expand European leadership in this rapidly growing industry.

In the current context of the looming climate and energy crisis, EWEA calls on Heads of State to take this unique opportunity to simultaneously fight global warming, reduce import dependency and to support the German presidency on this crucial dossier.


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