Getting more renewables online: how should we operate our power systems?
16 October
Stanhope Hotel
Renewable energies – in particular wind and photovoltaic energy – provide a unique solution for Europe's most pressing challenges: climate change, energy security and job creation.
However we are often told that we can't put more renewable energy online because its variability would be too much of a strain on the power system. Yet several European countries show that high amounts of renewables can be managed on the grid at any one time.
So what lessons can others learn from these success stories to maximise renewables on the power grid? And what do we know about other ways power systems should be operated to bring more renewables online? What does the latest research show? What steps should decision-makers, energy regulators and transmission system operators take to enable the most reliable and cost-efficient system operation with large shares of variable renewables like wind power?
Photos from the debate | Video recording of the debate |
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Date: 16 October 2014
Time: 16:00 - 17:30
Location: Stanhope Hotel, Rue du Commerce 9, Brussels European Quarter
Confirmed Panellists:
- Simon Müller, Analyst-System Integration of Renewables, International Energy Agency
- Oliver Koch, Deputy Head of Unit, Wholesale Markets, Electricity & Gas, Directorate-General for Energy, European Commission
- David Ringmar, Director and Head of Strategy & Asset Management, Nordic Region Vattenfall
- Tahir Kapetanovich, Head of Control Centre, Austrian Power Grid (APG)
- Paul Wilczek, Senior Political Affairs Advisor - Grid and Internal Electricity Market, European Wind Energy Association
The debate was moderated by Katrina Sichel, independent journalist and professional moderator, Brussels
For further details please contact
Alice Rosmi
Conference Programme Manager, EWEA
[email protected]
tel +32 2 213 1826
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