Global Wind Day is this Saturday!
The countdown to Global Wind Day marks more than just a wait for a fun-filled day spent outside discovering wind energy. It is also a chance for the public, politicians, and industry officials to discuss wind energy and its benefits, sharing ideas, exchanging opinions, and deepening their knowledge and understanding along the way.
Across Europe, wind farms are open, wind energy is the theme of festivals and wind energy information points will be set up across the continent from Lisbon to Warsaw.
In Denmark, Folkemødet, an annual political conference of over 30,000 participants and 1,300 events spanning four days, coincides with Global Wind Day.
“For the Danish Wind Industry Association (DWIA), Folkemødet was the obvious place to incorporate Global Wind Day due to the nature of Folkemødet and the philosophy of Global Wind Day, where it is about bringing knowledge of wind to the public,” stated Anders Mika Dalegaard, Head of Events at DWIA.
Folkemødet will feature bus tours to wind turbines followed by an in-depth discussion in which DWIA Chairman Henning Kruse among others will speak with the public about wind energy.
“We hope that people get a better understanding of modern wind power technology and its opportunities and challenges. We also hope people will realise that wind power is not about industry forcing an agenda, but that it is something that they within the Danish framework can take part in, affect and benefit from,” said Dalegaard.
Such debate will take place not just in Denmark, but worldwide. In Uruguay, Global Wind Day will be celebrated at a political conference and exhibition designed to encourage political dialogue.
The event will be attended by Uruguay’s leading authorities, including the President of the Republic, the Minister of Energy. Event coordinator for the Uruguayan Association of Wind Energy, Patricia Rampoldi, describes the event as focusing on the current status of wind power technology, regulations, and experience, not just in Uruguay, but globally.
According to Rampoldi, the event is designed to generate information, greater knowledge of energy, and promote contacts amongst those involved.
With Global Wind Day only days away, now is the time to get involved. Attend an event, coordinate an event, take action online by telling a G8 leader to switch from fossil fuels to renewables or just strike up a conversation about wind energy with the chap sitting next to you on the train. Global Wind Day is about promoting the discussion of and understanding of wind power. Join in and find out about the possibilities wind power holds to change our world.