Permitting is a crunch issue for grid development
People attending the GRIDS 2010 conference may largely agree on the need for an extended European power grid, but there is far less consensus amongst the public and the issue must be addressed, said participants at a panel discussion this morning.
“Transmission system operators know exactly where the next grid lines are to go, but the permitting is a problem”, said Konstantin Staschus, Secretary General of the European Network of Transmission System Operators for Electricity (ENTSO-E).
“We need to explain to people that grid development is making life better for them, and not worse just because they see an electricity pylon on the horizon”, he said.
Christian Kjaer, CEO of EWEA, agreed. “The public needs to be engaged”, he said. “Work on the ground is crucial. We must overcome the ‘NIMBY’ elements and get to work”.
When it comes to realising a “2020 vision” for grid development, work needs to begin straight away, participants also said. Gunnar Lundberg, Markets Chairman at EURELECTRIC, stressed that “we need to start practical work tomorrow.” He added that “Ten years is very short in terms of transmission activity”.