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News, EWEA events

One research scientist tells us why he keeps coming back to EWEA events


Niels Troldborg, a research scientist, won a trip to EWEA 2013 in Vienna as part of an EWEA competition for anyone who registered for the event in early November. In an interview with EWEA, he told us what he is currently working on and why he keeps coming back to EWEA events.

What is your area of expertise?

I am a research scientist at the Aero elastic Design Section at Risoe Campus, which is part of the Wind Energy department at the Technical University of Denmark. My main research field is rotor and blade aerodynamics, with a particular focus on wakes.

How many people work with you there?

There are approximately 240 people working here in the Wind Energy department of the university – we recently merged several different departments, so that we now have people working with various fields related to wind energy such as meteorology, aero-elasticity, structural mechanics, composite materials etc. The overall idea of the department is to strengthen wind energy research and education activities as well as to work with industry to improve the performance of wind turbines. We get funding from various sources, like the EU and the Danish government. We also have industry partners, from Denmark, Europe and the rest of the world.

With all those experts in one place, you could probably easily build and run a wind farm yourselves?

Yes, but maybe not easily, even though we do cover most areas! The department is quite new, even though most sections have a long history with wind energy, and we hope there will be synergy due to the bringing together of all these people. We are confident that we will get more synergy.

Have you attended an EWEA event before?

Yes! I Went to Athens in 2006, Milan in 2007, Marseilles in 2009 and of course Copenhagen earlier this year. And now I will go to Vienna in 2013.

So you are a regular attendee at EWEA events. Why do you keep on going back?

I guess I am! EWEA events are a very good way to network, to meet people, to see what’s going on in the industry. I go for networking, the presentations and the exhibitions.


Networking at EWEA 2013

EWEA events are well-known for their productive and enjoyable networking events to help participants find the profile they are looking for or foster existing business relationships. The matchmaking event is the ideal place to meet potential partners and the conference dinner is a luxurious evening where you can entertain your contacts.

Find out more about the networking events taking place at EWEA 2013.


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