Binding EU regulation on grid connection requirements adopted and entering into force this autumn
On 26 June, the so-called Network Code on Requirements for Generators (NC RfG) was adopted by Member States' representatives unanimously in Comitology. This binding EU regulation will enter into force by autumn this year.
The scope of this new regulation is a vast range of technical requirements concerning all power generators with regards to technical capabilities when connected to the grid.
Many technical requirements could have only been formulated as non-exhaustive requirements, i.e. ranges and sets of parameters are given in the NC RfG. As the detailed formulation takes place at national level by the relevant system operators, EWEA members should be aware that the national implementation phase is key in the respective Member States once the Network Code enters into force later this year. The main concern is that if non-exhaustive requirements are inadequately implemented at national level, this would lead to an unnecessary cost increase for wind power generators.

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