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Funding wind in a finance constrained world: challenges and solutions at EWEA 2013


In a few short years, financing for European wind projects has changed dramatically. An epoch in which financers became more comfortable with funding wind has changed to times with a shortage of capital. Utilities and banks are capital constrained, the cost of finance is up and the public markets ambivalent at best.

However, we are also seeing new sources of capital beginning to enter the sector, especially pension funds and insurance companies. In the Finance Plenary session, Monday 4 February at EWEA 2013, the panel will look at the challenges facing wind finance today, from multiple perspectives – utilities, turbine makers and developers.  It will also look at the emerging sources of finance - pension funds, insurance companies, debt funds and others - how the challenges can be overcome and how to bridge the growing funding gap.

Entitled ‘Financing wind in a finance constrained world: challenges and new solutions’, the Finance Plenary session will be made up of leaders from the financial and wind energy worlds:

  • Chair: Thomas Pütter, Ancora Capital  
  • Rory O’Connor, CEO, Blackrock
  • Wolfgang Bischoff, CEO, Siemens Financial Services
  • Cord Landsmann, CFO, E.ON
  • David Mesonero, Director of Corporate Development, Gamesa  

Overall, the Finance Track at the 2013 EWEA Annual Event, chaired by Tom Murley, Director and Head of Renewable Energy at HgCapital, is sure to attract a lot of attention. With a programme featuring high-level experts, this track will explore what the crisis means for wind energy from the tough reality of gaining access to financing to the new opportunities that are emerging.  

Malgosia Bartosik, Membership and Events Director at EWEA, believes that this year’s event theme is very fitting, given the challenges facing the wind industry today:

“With the wind industry feeling the effects of the economic crisis, companies are faced with tough choices and need to be even more strategic in their activities. At EWEA 2013, we aim to provide participants with access to the latest knowledge and will focus on some key opportunities that are emerging to help companies tackle the impact of the financial crisis. We have also placed a lot of importance on providing participants with the right environment for networking to cater for everyone’s business objectives.”

To learn more about the Finance track and other sessions at the conference, visit www.ewea.org/annual2013


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