13 yrs
Press2012, News

Energy associations want transparency on involvement in network codes



EWEA, electricity body EURELECTRIC, European power exchange body EUROPEX and industrial energy user body IFIEC are calling for clarity on how stakeholders will be involved in the planning and development of network codes – that is, the binding rules governing the operation of electricity systems.

In an open letter to the EU grid operator body ENTSO-E, they request a “structured plan” that clearly sets out the stakeholder consultation process as per the EU’s third legislative package for an internal EU gas and electricity market, which emphasises the need to involve stakeholders early on in the process.

“It is essential that all stakeholder consultation is carried out as transparently, thoroughly, and early as possible, particularly in the light of the large number of network codes being planned for 2012 – eight in total for electricity”, stated Paul Wilczek, EWEA’s Senior Regulatory Affairs Advisor.

Read the letter

For more information contact:
Julian Scola, EWEA
T:+32 2 21 31 822



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