15 yrs
Press2010, News

Energy Commissioner addresses EWEC 2010


Speaking at the EWEC Conference Dinner in Warsaw last night, European Energy Commissioner Gunther Oettinger acknowledged that “Wind energy had over 10,000 Megawatt of newly installed capacity last year, making it the technology that supplied the most new electricity generation capacity in Europe.”

He added “This shows the European Union is heading in the right direction and wind energy is leading the way.”

 “I have to admit we got these numbers from EWEA” he said “but since the Commission is not as quick in getting their data together we’ll rely on their numbers for now.”

He also told the audience “We will need smart grids, but also strong long-distance power transmission and new interconnectors” and that renewables would be “one of the main contributors to our future energy supply.”

The Commissioner concluded that he was convinced the wind energy sector would work with determination with all involved ‘towards our agreed objectives”.


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