15 yrs
EWEA's Features

Upcoming Wind Directions: Where are the women in wind?


In recent decades women have made great strides in the workplace, but in some sectors they remain under-represented. The wind industry, although young and cutting edge, is one of those largely male enclaves. Why is this and what can be done? Wind Directions talked to some of those pioneering wind ladies, and the upcoming April issue will discuss what it discovered.

In the same issue, the magazine takes a trip to western Canada to discover the turbine that towered over the recent Winter Olympics in Vancouver. We also chat to Pedro Marín Uribe, the Spanish Secretary of State for Energy, about his energy aims for Spain’s current EU presidency. What is more, we report on the barriers to wind energy projects and how wind can lower power prices, as well as providing the usual round up of industry, EU and EWEA news stories.

April’s Wind Directions is coming soon! In the meantime, to refresh your memory of February’s issue, click here.

Sarah Azau, Editor


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