15 yrs
EWEA's Features

Upcoming Wind Directions: was COP15 a total washout for wind?


The world can seem a depressing place in the middle of winter when hopes for reaching an agreement to save the planet from climate change have just been rudely dashed.

But however gloomy the outcome of COP15 may have been, what exactly does it mean for the wind sector, and what happens now?

The upcoming issue of Wind Directions attempts to answer these questions, zooming in on the summit that captivated and frustrated so many.

Featuring interviews with experts and COP attendees such as Tulsi Tanti from Suzlon Energy, Kumi Naidoo from Greenpeace, Stephan Singer from WWF International and others, Chris Rose and Crispin Aubrey will analyse what was at stake, what happened, and above all what needs to happen next.

On a more maritime note, a special feature will also look at the issue of sailing and offshore wind farms. What do sailors feel about offshore turbines? Have they changed sea-goers’ behaviour? Can boats pose a risk to turbines? Zoë Casey investigates.

A figure who has for many years dominated the renewable energy scene is Arthouros Zervos, president of EWEA, who is about to become CEO of Greece’s Public Power Corp, the country’s biggest company. Chris Rose went to visit Arthouros in his home town of Athens to find out what makes him tick.

Of course, Wind Directions will also contain its regular sections – such as Brussels Briefing for the lowdown on EU news; Wind Energy Basics for the fundamentals of wind energy, and the Last Word and Rolf de Vos’s column for an external point of view.

Not to forget, either, the upcoming Wind Directions readers’ survey – so that we can find out a bit more about what our readers think (and so we can give three lucky ones an iPod Nano!)

Wind Directions will be out at the end of February in paper form and in a stylish, user-friendly new online ‘magazine’ format.

Sarah Azau, Editor


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