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Climate change deniers could redouble efforts


16 December

Climate change deniers will increase their efforts to make people doubt the scientific consensus regarding global temperature increase resulting from  greenhouse gas emissions if a new, strengthened post-Kyoto agreement is reached in Copenhagen.

“The better the deal in Copenhagen, the denial industry will get even worse,” Richard Littlemore said today during a video interview at the UN climate change conference. “I promise you there will be a redoubled effort after Copenhagen” to make people doubt science.

Littlemore is the editor of desmogblog.com which has earned a reputation for exposing global warming misinformation campaigns.

He said doubts about climate change science were first planted and nurtured by the coal and petroleum industries about 20 years ago.

The co-author of Climate Cover-Up: the Crusade to Deny Global Warming, Littlemore later told the European Wind Energy Association that the fossil fuel industry is actively against a successful emissions-reduction treaty being reached in Copenhagen because it would begin losing massive amounts of money.

“The fossil fuel industry has nowhere to run. If we do the right thing on climate change, they’ve lost. As soon as we do the right thing, all the profits related to the fossil fuel industry are in danger.”

A former newspaper journalist, Littlemore also said wind power and other renewable energy sources should be extremely concerned about the climate denial industry.




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