EWEA Activities, BB200711
Kickoff meeting:“Wind Energy – the Facts”
The Wind Energy – The Facts project (WindFacts), led by the European Wind Energy Association, kicked off on 30 November 2007.
The project, which is partially funded by the European Commission’s Intelligent Energy – Europe programme, will last for two years and includes partners such as Garrad Hassan, Risoe DTU, GWEC, CIEMAT, NTUA, EEG and can count on the collaboration of Emerging Energy Research.
WindFacts will produce a comprehensive manual on wind energy with clear, updated and reliable information. The previous edition of the publication will be expanded and include volumes on technology, grid integration, the economics of wind, industry and markets, the environment, scenarios and targets. This reference document will be written in English and summaries will be available in seven EU languages. Moreover, the content of the manual will be available on a dedicated interactive website, which will make it easy for anyone to look for data on wind energy online.
The information tools created by the project will be disseminated through workshops organised in France, Hungary, Latvia, Romania and Sweden. The national wind energy associations of these countries are involved in the project and will hold these workshops in 2009.

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