EWEA Activities, BB200709
TradeWind Synchronous Zone Seminar on GB/Ireland zone: programme available
The first seminar organised within the framework of TradeWind – the wind power integration study of the wind industry coordinated by EWEA – will take place in Glasgow on 8 October 2007. The purpose of this seminar, which will cover the GB/Ireland zone, is to provide a forum for interaction between the TradeWind project partners and local Transmission System Operators (TSOs), regulators, developers, energy traders, service providers and other players in the wind power integration sector.
The one-day event will address participants in England, Scotland, Wales, Northern Ireland and the Republic of Ireland. The TradeWind consortium will clarify its approach and communicate the first results, stimulating dialogue between participants. The seminar will focus on the following topics, for the period from now until 2030.
- Market rules and organisation:
- gate closure times;
- allocation of interconnection capacity at key interconnectors; and
- rules for balancing responsibility to achieve the most cost-effective wind power integration for different wind power scenarios.
- Transmission infrastructure and operation recommendations concerning:
- critical transmission corridors;
- possible reinforcements at key interconnectors;
- synergy with offshore grid developments; and
- grid optimisation procedures in critical transmission corridors.
- Wind power generation recommendations concerning:
- wind power plant location and aggregation;
- short-term prediction; and
- other operational aspects.
The seminar programme is now available on the TradeWind website, which also gives further details about the project and the results available. There are a limited number of spaces available for this seminar, which is free of charge, so if you would like to attend, please contact Glória Rodrigues [email protected] before 30 September 2007.

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