Press2007, Policy
European Parliament confirms commitment to renewable electricity in Europe
Brussels, 25 September 2007- The European Wind Energy Association (EWEA) today welcomed the European Parliament’s vote on the Roadmap for Renewable Energy in Europe. Rapporteur Thomsen’s report was adopted by an overwhelming majority, confirming the European Parliament’s strong commitment to renewable energy.
The vote comes just a few months before the European Commission is expected to propose new legislation for renewable energy in Europe.
“Once again the European Parliament demonstrates great understanding of the needs of the renewable electricity industries in Europe. The Parliament has sent a very clear and strong signal to the European Commission and Member States prior to the tabling of new renewable energy legislation in December. Of particular importance to the European wind power industry is the Parliament’s call to improve the existing legislation for renewable electricity; safeguard national support schemes; secure priority access to the grids for renewable electricity and the call for a Commission action plan for the development of offshore wind power in Europe,” commented Christian Kjaer, EWEA Chief Executive.
To achieve the 20% target, a suitable legal framework has to be rapidly adopted. Priority access to the grids for renewable electricity should be secured all over Europe to compensate the lack of a competitive internal market for electricity.
Since the Commission’s publication of its energy package in January 2007, EWEA has expressed concerns that a new legislative framework could undermine existing, successful legislation for renewable electricity, the 2001 RES-E Directive. EWEA is pleased that the European Parliament stresses that a future legislative framework for renewable electricity “must be strengthened and improved”, to maintain legal stability for renewable electricity in Europe.
The Thomsen report stresses “the enormous development potential of offshore wind energy and the significant contribution it could make to Europe’s independence from energy imports and to climate protection,” and “calls on the Commission to draw up an offshore wind energy action plan” while promoting stronger interconnections. These are all important steps towards meeting the EU’s 20% renewable energy target.
For more information about the Thomsen report: Click here
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