EWEA Activities, BB200707
First TradeWind Seminar to be Held in Glasgow,
Within the framework of TradeWind – the wind power integration study of the wind industry co-coordinated by EWEA - three seminars will be organised near the end of 2007/beginning of 2008. The location of the seminars will be in the different synchronous zones of Europe: GB/Ireland, UCTE and NORDEL area. The purpose of the seminars is to provide a forum for interaction between the TradeWind project partners and local TSO’s, regulators, developers, energy traders, service providers and other actors in wind power integration. In brief, TradeWind investigates necessary network and market improvements to enable large-scale integration of wind power.
The first seminar will be held on 8 October in Glasgow, preceding BWEA’s 29th Annual Conference. The one day seminar will address to the above-mentioned actors in England, Scotland, Wales, Northern Ireland and the Republic of Ireland. The TradeWind Consortium will explain its approach, the initial results of its work, and will then organise a dialogue with the participants regarding the future of wind energy up until 2030 concerning the following topics:
• Market rules and organisation: gate closure times, allocation of interconnection capacity at significant interconnectors, rules for balance of responsibility etc. resulting in the most cost-effective route towards wind power integration for different wind power scenarios;
• Transmission infrastructure and operation: recommendations on critical transmission corridors, possible reinforcements at significant interconnections and synergy with offshore grid developments, grid optimisation procedures in critical transmission corridors;
• Wind power generation: recommendations with respect to wind power plant locations, aggregation, short-term prediction and other operational aspects
The programme consists of presentations (by the project participants and invited experts) and moderated discussions. The programme will be available on the TradeWind website, along with more details about the project and its results. Participation in the seminar is free, however please note that the number of participants is limited. If you are interested in receiving an invitation for this seminar, please contact Zoé Wildiers at zoe.wildiers(AT)ewea.org.
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