18 yrs
BB200702, News in Brief

FP7 first calls for proposals


On 18 December 2006, the Council adopted the Seventh Framework Programme for Research and Technological Development (FP7). This programme started on 1 January 2007 and will last for seven years. The total budget for FP7 is €50.521 billion.

Research on Energy will be funded under the specific programme on 'Co-operation'. FP7 allocates €32.413 billion to the Co-operation programme, supporting co-operative research among universities, industry, research centres and public authorities throughout the EU and beyond. ‘Co-operation’ is sub-divided into ten themes, with ‘Energy’ being one of them, receiving a total budget of €2.3 billion.

First calls for proposals under FP7 have just been launched
EWEA believes it is important that at least one strong proposal is presented at this first call, given the pressure that we put on the Commission at the time of negotiating FP7. In the future, the European Wind Energy Technology Platform (TPWind) should be able to channel, such proposals to a certain degree, but at this stage the work will have to be carried out independently.

Full information about the call can be found on the Cordis website. On these pages all the necessary documents are available, including ‘call fiches’, work programme, factsheets and the guide for applicants.

Currently, three calls for proposals are open in the energy field:

1. Call identifier: FP7-ENERGY-2007-1-RTD
Deadline: 3 May 2007 at 17:00 (Brussels time)
Wind energy-related topics covered by this call are the following:
- Development of components and systems for turbines and wind farms
- External conditions, resource assessment and forecasting for wind energy
- Testing, standards and certification for wind energy systems
Horizontal programme actions, cross-cutting actions and others are also of interest. For more information, please consult the relevant ‘call fiche’.

2. Call identifier: FP7-ENERGY-2007-2-TREN
Deadline: 3 May 2007 at 17: 00 (Brussels time)
Wind energy-related topics covered by this call are the following:
- Demonstration of large scale systems for on- and offshore wind farms
- Integration of wind power into the European power system
- Wind mapping for offshore applications
Other activities could also be of interest. For more information, please consult the relevant ‘call fiche’.

3. Call identifier: FP7-ERANET-2007-RTD
Deadline: 31 July 2007 at 17:00 (Brussels time)
Energy-related topics covered by this call are the following:
- Smart Energy Network: Stepping up the cooperation of national and regional research activities on Smart Power Grids
- Horizontal Programme Actions: Optimise EU action through a better coordination of the international cooperation initiatives of the EU and Member States
- Horizontal Programme Actions: Fostering coordination between national and European energy RTD strategies and programmes

In the framework of its first call for proposals under FP7, the Directorates General of the European Commission for Research and Energy and Transport are holding Joint Information Days on 13 and 14 February 2007 in the Charlemagne building, rue de la Loi 170, Brussels. The first day (13 February 2007) will focus on the 1st FP7 Energy Call.

The aim of this 2-day event is to:
- obtain information about FP7 and the research areas open in the First Calls for Proposals, on the themes Energy and Transport (including Aeronautics) within the Cooperation Programme;
- give details about the main legal and procedural conditions; and
- clarify any questions.

Participation may also help you to establish contact with others who will potentially submit a proposal and possible project partners.

If you are interested in taking part in this Information Day, you can register on line at: http://ec.europa.eu/research/etid. For those who are not in a position to come to Brussels, the event will be broadcasted via the internet.

For more general information on the Seventh Framework Programme, please refer to the European Commission’s FP7 webpage.


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