18 yrs
BB200605, News in Brief

The Intelligent Energy Executive Agency is organising an Info Day in Brussels on 30 May 2006


On 30 May 2006 the Intelligent Energy Executive Agency (IEEA) is organising its Annual Conference and European Info Day at the Centre Albert Borschette in Brussels. This event will present ongoing projects and will give information on how to apply for IEE funding. There will be opportunity to meet and network with colleagues from across Europe.

The draft programme and the online registration form can be accessed at: http://europa.eu.int/comm/energy/intelligent/events/infodays_en.htm  The morning session will be broadcast live by the ManagEnergy Internet: http://www.managenergy.tv/me_portal/mst/home

The last Intelligent Energy- Europe call for proposals under the current programme will be published in May 2006. Approximately 50 million EUR will be made available to co-finance projects on energy efficiency, renewables, intelligent use of energy in transport etc. Organisations from the EU-25, Bulgaria, Croatia, Iceland, Liechtenstein, Norway and Romania can apply for financial support covering up to 50% of their costs. The deadline for sending the applications will probably be at the end of October 2006.

A series of National Info Days will be organised in various European countries. More information is available at the link mentioned above.


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