18 yrs
News in Brief, BB200609

New Born European Technology Platform for Wind Energy Calls for Applications for Steering Committee


The Advisory Council of the European Technology Platform for Wind Energy—TPWind— has opened its call for applications for membership of the Steering Committee, which will lead sector technology and policy R&D strategy into the future.

Members will participate in a personal capacity, developing Strategic Research Agendas to map out the priorities for wind energy research up to 2030. The wind industry can only achieve its full potential if senior figures from across the sector gather together and establish a shared view on common priorities.

“TPWind is vital in the struggle to build up public and private funding for wind energy research,” said Professor Arthouros Zervos, President of the European Wind Energy Association (EWEA), also member of the Advisory Council. “Even in this time of energy uncertainty, we can not be sure of increased public funding for wind energy, but we can at least ensure that the funds go where they are needed most. Public and private sectors must work together towards innovation and further cost reductions.”

Steering Committee members will be senior sector figures from companies and organisations having a major role in wind energy development. Members will be expected to make an active, regular contribution, and to be in a position to influence stakeholders, to foster partnerships and to leverage resources.

The Steering Committee will be established by the beginning of October, in time for the launch of the platform. The Advisory Council—a temporary body—will subsequently be disolved.

Applications are expected from, among others:

- Wind turbine and component manufacturers
- Civil society, end users and environmental organisations
- Wind farm developers
- Research and academic institutions – public and private
- Financial organisations involved in wind energy development
- Governmental organisations, public authorities
- Representatives of the wider energy sector
- Consultancy and engineering companies in wind energy
- Service Providers to the wind industry (Certification, Testing, Information/Data services)

Applicants should visit www.windplatform.eu for full information and the application form. The deadline for submissions is Midnight, 15 September 2006.


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