18 yrs
BB200611, News in Brief

OPEN DAYS 2006 - “European Week of Regions and Cities”


Under the headline "Investing in Europe's Regions and Cities: Public and Priva te Partners for Growth and Jobs", the European Commission's Regional Policy Directorate-General and the Committee of the Regions have joined forces with the European Parliament, 135 European regions and cities and several European banking, business and civ il society organisations to organise seminars, workshops and sessions in Brussels attracting about 4,000 participants from 30 European countries. Delegates came together to discuss ways to make best use of the est imated € 500 billion from EU national, regional and private sources to be invested in the period ranging from 2007 to 2013.

The event was opened on 9 October by the President of the European Commission, José Manuel Barroso, Regional Policy Commissioner Danuta Hübner and the President of the Committee of the Regions, Michel Delebarre.

The timing of the event has been very well chosen as the Council recently adopted the Community Strategic Guidelines for Cohesion Policy 2007-2013. This document will help the Member States and regions to draw up their strategic plans for the coming seven years. These Guidelines set three main priorities: to make European regions and cities more attractive places to invest; to encourage innovation and growth in the knowledge economy; and to create more and better jobs.

During the 4-day event, business investors and decision-makers from local and regional authorities had the opportunity to meet and network at the Investors’ Café. This venue also included an exhibition village linked to the public and private partnership theme of the 2006 edition of the OPEN DAYS.

The OPEN DAYS 2006 “European Week of Regions and Cities” continued in the European regions and cities where some 50 events have been organised.


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