18 yrs
BB200611, News in Brief

Global Windpower 2006 conference: 500 industry representatives call on governments to step up their political commitment to a sustainable energy future


In the closing session of the GLOBAL WINDPOWER 2006 conference he ld last September in Adelaide , Australia , delegates issued a joint Communiqué calling on both Australian and international policy makers to support the develop ment of wind energy. The conference attracted some 500 representatives from industry, government, investors and NGOs from 30 countries and has been co-organised by the Global Wind Energy Council (GWEC) and the Austr ali an Wind Eneregy Association (Auswind). The strong support of the GLOBAL WINDPOWER 2006 conference by major investors and developers has demonstrated that wind energy has become a mainstream energy source in many parts of the world.

The Communiqué reads that "Australia has an international responsibility to participate in efforts to address climate change because its economy has considerable exposure as it is the highest emitter of greenhouse gas emissions per capita, and a net exporter of carbon intensive resources". Andrew Richards, President of Auswind, also points to the economic benefits of supporting wind power development in Australia as there is a tremendous potential there for wind energy development.

The GLOBAL WINDPOWER 2006 conference has also received strong support from Australian and international governments. Speakers included India's Minister of State for Non-Conventional Energy Sources, Vilas Muttemwar, South Australian Premier, Mike Rann, Australia's Federal Opposition Environment spokesman, Anthony Albanese, and the Energy Ministers of both South Australia and Victoria.


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