300 wind energy companies are exhibiting in Hamburg: clear new signal that wind has become a mainstream energy source
The international wind industry is meeting in Hamburg from 16 to 19 May 2006. More than 300 companies coming from 26 countries are presenting their latest developments and services to trade visitors from all over the world. For the European Wind Energy Association (EWEA), international partner of WindEnergy 2006, this success is another clear sign that wind has become a mainstream energy source.
“According to our latest forecast, the international wind markets grew by 40.5% in 2005, generating some €12 billion worth of new generating equipment. In 2005 alone, 11.5 GW were installed worldwide, bringing the total up to 59.1 GW with 40.5 in Europe. This represents a growth of 24% in total installed wind capacity” said Arthouros Zervos, President of EWEA, at the opening ceremony in Hamburg today.
Wind is indeed the world’s fastest growing energy source. In ten years time, the sector has moved from a practically ignored industry to a major player in the current energy mix. Wind currently meets the electricity needs of more than 100 million people and has surpassed nuclear in terms of new installations since 1999.
The opening session of this third WindEnergy fair trade was also the opportunity for the President of EWEA to express his vision for the future of the entire wind sector: “Industry scenario projections show that wind power can reach 300 GW in Europe by 2030. With clear European targets and clear choices for an energy which is clean, free, indigenous and inexhaustible, wind can meet 23% of European power demand in 25 years time.”
Arthouros Zervos ended his speech reminding EWEA’s call for mandatory targets to be adopted for 2020. “Targets for renewables should be ambitious and in line with the recommendation of the European Parliament”, added Mr Zervos.
For the next four days, the New Hamburg Fair, will be the ideal forum for turbine manufacturers and component suppliers, planners, finance institutes, measurement and certification agencies and experts from research and development. The key subjects of the following days include export, offshore technology, and finance and will help wind manufacturers, developers and investors to face the challenges ahead.
Further information and conference programme are available at the website

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