19 yrs
News, Press2006

Renewable Energy House: 2000 m2 model showcase for renewable energy and energy efficiency inaugurated in Brussels


European renewable energy industry sends out a strong signal to the EU summit: Renewables are the key solution for European energy supply. On 22nd March 2006, the Renewable Energy House will host for the first time all major European renewable energy associations in the heart of the European area in Brussels was inaugurated by HRH Prince Laurent of Belgium, Prime Minister Guy Verhofstadt, Commission President José Manuel Barroso together with European Commissioners Stavros Dimas and Margot Wallström, and Prof. Arthouros Zervos, President of EREC, the European Renewable Energy Council.

“The fact that more than 250 high-level decision makers followed our invitation to the Renewable Energy House inauguration is a great sign on how renewables are gaining importance in the international debate. This sends a strong signal about the importance of renewables for increasing the security of energy supply of the European Union. The leaders at the EU summit now should act and set ambitious targets for renewables beyond 2010”, said Prof. Arthouros Zervos, President of the European Renewable Energy Council.

Zervos added: “Renewable energy technologies, plus measures to improve energy end-use efficiency, will have an important role to play in meeting near-term and longterm environmental goals while reducing our dependence on energy imports, increasing Europe’s competitiveness and maintaining our quality of life. Prices for oil and gas imports will increase, whereas prices for renewable energy technologies are constantly falling. Now it is high time for decision makers to create the necessary long-term policy framework.”

For the first time in history, all European renewable energy industry, trade and research associations currently employing 45 staff are located under one roof in this spectacular 2000 m2 model showcase for renewable energy and energy efficiency in close vicinity to the European institutions in Brussels.

“More than 30 European companies have supported this project by providing the latest cutting-edge renewable energy technologies, making the Renewable Energy House a unique example of integrating modern technologies in a 120 year old monument protected building,” stated Christine Lins, Secretary General of EREC.

“The Renewable Energy House demonstrates the leadership of the European renewable energy industry, one of the fastest economic growing sectors with an annual turnover of more than 15 billion € employing more than 300.000 people and supplying 8 % of Europe’s current energy demand,” added Zervos.

When looking for new premises, EREC had the chance to team up with HRH Prince Laurent of Belgium, who proposed to EREC and its members the realisation of a living renewable energy showcase, accessible to the people of Europe and beyond.

“The vision of HRH Prince Laurent and his involvement to make this project become reality was outstanding and made it possible that only 7 months after the start of the renovation works, we could move to the Renewable Energy House. With the Renewable Energy House, the visionary concept of HRH Prince Laurent of the “3Es”, namely to reconcile economy, ecology & social equity in any decision, takes practical shape in a spectacular way,” added Christine Lins.


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