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Offshore CREYAP Pt 2


Following the success of previous comparison exercises in the field of resource assessment, EWEA will host a second offshore CREYAP exercise.

The essential results of this exercise will be presented during the conference and the extended results will be presented in full detail at EWEA’s upcoming technology workshop Resource Assessment 2015.

Scope and aims

This exercise will focus on reanalysis of the wind resource and energy yields for offshore wind farms, identifying the main deviations between forecast AEP and actual production data.

The intention of Offshore CREYAP Part 2 is to address the following open questions:

  • Complete wind farm statistics – how accurately can actual wind farm productions be predicted?
  • What are the overall biases and uncertainties of predictions offshore?
  • Detailed wind farm statistics – how well can individual wind turbines be predicted?
  • Detailed profile of participants – what is the influence of the human factor?
  • What are the main characteristics of the companies and teams?

It is understood that the main benefits for the wind industry as a whole will be:

  • Showing the financial community and investors that wind resource analysts are constantly seeking to improve the accuracy of their predictions. This will increase the confidence in financing offshore wind.
  • To ensure uniformity between consultants/developers in production of pre-construction energy yields
  • To provide a high quality data set which can be used for in-house training and R&D
  • To identify areas which require further research and development

Data pack

Please note that the deadline to submit contribution was 15 February 2015, so no new submission will be included in the analysis to be presented at EWEA OFFSHORE 2015 and EWEA Resource Assessment 2015.

However, the datapack is still available to download for educational and training purposes.

To access the data pack, please fill out the form at the bottom of this page. The file includes detailed instructions on how to proceed and a standard excel spreadsheet template for results submission.

If you have questions regarding the contents of the data pack, please consult our FAQ before contacting us, as we may already have answered your question.

Required outputs

Participants choose the methodology they use for the output. Participants must submit results using the same Excel spread sheet template in order to create a standardised description of their methodology. This template is included in the data pack.

If you have questions regarding the contents of the data pack, please consult our FAQ before contacting us, as we may already have answered your question.


Dong Energy Wind Power A/S, Iberdrola and the Crown Estate are acknowledged for providing data and information for the Offshore CREYAP 2 exercise.

Terms and conditions

It should be noted that all digital data supplied with this package are under licence and once used for the purposes of this study should be deleted and not used for any other purpose. Please note that by downloading the data pack, you agree to these terms.


The blind evaluation will be performed at DTU Wind Energy.

For any questions regarding the exercise or your submission please contact:
Lorenzo Morselli at [email protected].

Data pack request form

After filling out this form, your download of the data pack will begin. This can take a few seconds, so please be patient. You will also receive an automated confirmation email summarizing your submission.

If you have questions regarding the contents of the data pack, please consult our FAQ before contacting us, as we may already have answered your question.