Wednesday 20 November 2013, 13:00-14:00
Messe Frankfurt, Hall 3, level Via, West, room Facette
On 9 April 2013, Governor Martin O’Malley signed into law the Maryland Offshore Wind Energy Act (MOWEA) of 2013. With his signature, Maryland became the first state in the United States to create both a market for offshore wind energy and to provide certainty that developers have transparent access to 20 years of sustained financial support for the construction of the initial mid-Atlantic offshore wind project.
This bill is also a catalyst to jumpstart a new industry in Maryland that could benefit the United States.
The panelists will provide an overview of how Maryland’s policy works; the timeline leading to construction and deployment; ongoing transmission and port infrastructure transitions; state-wide supply chain development; skills, training and economic development packages as well as academic engagement.
For groups with European offshore wind deployment experience, Maryland’s comprehensive strategy offers a path forward and early access to North America’s promising offshore clean energy future. Join us to learn more. Lunch will be provided.
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