News, Press2009
Climate declaration is no international deal
Commenting on the so-called deal reached in Copenhagen by the US, Brazil, South Africa, India and China on climate change, Christian Kjaer, Chief Executive of the European Wind Energy Association said:
“It may look like a deal but it is only a political declaration between 5 countries, leaving everybody else out, and running the risk of discrediting the UN process.It is simply not an international climate agreement."
"At his inaugural remarks in January 2009, president Obama proclaimed: 'our time of standing pat, of protecting national interest and putting off unpleasant decisions - that time has surely passed.' The meagre result in Copenhagen unfortunately confirms that unpleasant decisions are indeed still being put off. World leaders are talking rather than acting."
"The European Wind Energy Association urges world leaders to work tirelessly on reaching a legally binding international treaty as soon as possible next year, to cut greenhouse gas emissions by a minimum of 30% by 2020. The clock is ticking, immediate action is required, we are running out of time."
For more information contact:
Paolo Berrino, EWEA
[email protected]
+32 2 400 10 55
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