17 yrs
News in Brief

MEP proposes significant amendments to Renewables Directive


Green MEP and rapporteur for the Renewable Energy Directive Claude Turmes has proposed a series of modifications to the draft legislation. These include binding interim targets for Member States, target enforcement mechanisms and a new system of renewables trading certificates.

Claude Turmes suggests introducing Transfer Accounting Certificates (TAC) for producers of green energy. The TAC will be used for voluntary trade between Member States, without the legal uncertainties of the Guarantees of Origin (GO) system. The GO system will remain, but will be used merely to ‘disclose’ or prove the fuel mix and its provenance to customers.

The rapporteur also proposes that Member States’ interim renewables targets be made binding, and that countries should be liable for fines if those targets are not met. The Member States that do meet their interim targets will receive financial rewards. The European Commission should provide a template for the national Action Plans and be able to reject any that it considers badly designed.

Producers of renewables should not have to pay in order to access the grid, says the MEP. The cost of infrastructure reinforcement should be met by transmission systems operators (TSOs) and distribution system operators. Mr Turmes also wishes to streamline administrative barriers even further than the Commission’s proposal suggests.

EWEA supports all these amendments as highly important measures that would allow wind energy to be developed more rapidly and effectively. The enforced interim targets would ensure that Member States make a serious effort to increase the deployment of renewables well in advance of 2020. The TAC system will enable national governments to keep control over their renewables targets and how to meet them, giving them flexibility. The reduction of administrative barriers is essential for the development of wind energy, as is the proposed reinforcement of grid infrastructure and priority access for renewables. The passing of costs for grid adaptation to TSOs is a step towards a fairer playing field for renewables.

To find out more about Claude Turmes’ proposed amendments, click here.


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