Policy News
European Wind Day 2008
On 15 June 2008, the second ever European Wind Day will take place. Over 20 countries are participating and more than 100 events are being organised across the continent. From wind farm open days and specialised conferences to painting competitions and demonstrations of wind powered cars, a vast range of activities will be on offer for all ages, with the express purpose of enabling participants to “discover unlimited power” – the new strap line for this year’s Wind Day.
The dedicated European Wind Day website – http://www.windday.eu – provides information on the upcoming events, which will begin the week before the official date of Sunday 15 June. A new interactive map allows potential participants to find out everything about local happenings with one click, giving details of the activities, start and end times, location and contact details of the organisers. The map can be accessed directly here.
The organisation and coordination of the European Wind Day 2008 is once again centralised by the European Wind Energy Association (EWEA), working with the different national coordinators. The aim of the campaign is to reach local communities across the continent and to explain all the benefits wind energy brings about, how wind turbines work and to debunk and disprove the main misconceptions about wind energy.
Last year, over 40,000 people took part in the Wind Day. The European Wind Day 2008 is being organised on an even bigger scale. Everyone is invited to join in order to have fun and to learn more about this clean, renewable, unlimited energy source, which will be key to overcoming the looming energy and climate crisis and providing a secure future for European citizens.
For more information on the European Wind Day 2008, please contact Paolo Berrino, email: [email protected] or tel: +32 2 400 10 55.

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