17 yrs
News in Brief, BB200803

EU Cohesion policy – helping European regions develop renewables


EU Cohesion policy for 2007-2013 will help renewable energy development and energy efficiency in the EU’s regions, Danuta Hübner, EU Commissioner for Regional Policy, explained recently. The European Commission has pledged to support Member States by helping them make timely energy investments, and by promoting the exchange of knowledge and experience between different regions.

“I see huge potential for creating sustainable jobs and growth through devising innovative technologies that help reduce our carbon footprint”, Commissioner Hübner stated.

There are 450 operational programmes for Cohesion policy 2007-2013. They include investment totalling €9 billion for energy-related projects, €4.8 billion for renewable energies, and €4.2 billion for energy efficiency and energy management measures.

In addition, there is €63.8 billion to support Research and Development. The Commissioner called for a significant part of this to go towards projects to stimulate research on renewable energy.
The Commission aims to help Member States reach their renewable energy targets. It encourages the sharing of experience and best practice, particularly through the “Regions for economic change” conference series launched in 2006. Three strands in the initiative concern energy issues: 1) moving to a low carbon economy; 2) developing sustainable and energy efficient housing and 3) achieving sustainable urban development. Many regions in Europe are already pioneering these developments and technologies, but it is important that they have the necessary knowledge and financial support to continue to do so.
“The regions are essential in reaching ambitious goals in the energy sector through judicious Cohesion policy investment”, said Commissioner Hübner.

More information on ‘Regions for Economic Change’
More information on EU Cohesion Policy 2007-2012


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