EWEA Activities, BB200704
European Wind Day website launched
The European Wind Day website can now be consulted at www.windday.eu. It contains information about the first ever pan-European campaign for the promotion of wind energy.
EWEA and its partners have organised this first European Wind Day to promote the power of wind across Europe as an effective and concrete means to curb the climate and energy crisis.
On 15 June 2007, wind events will take place simultaneously in across Europe; in Brussels, Copenhagen, Madrid, Berlin, Budapest, Rome and other major cities. The events include wind farm visits, competitions, lectures, press conferences, races, exhibitions and much more.
With their activities, the organisers will be conveying the same message across Europe. On the same day, the European wind industry will also encourage European citizens to switch to green electricity.
The European Wind Day website is an important tool to spread the campaign message. An interactive map allows visitors to click on each European country, in order to find out about the various wind events taking place throughout Europe and obtain the necessary practical information. An electronic postcard also invites European citizens to sign up for green electricity, or encourage their energy provider to make this option available. The postcard can be sent electronically to friends, family and decision-makers, as an invitation to plug in to wind.
The website also provides information, facts and figures about wind energy, and shows some stunning pictures of wind turbines. Thanks to the website, EWEA and the other organisers are able to reach the wider public in order to promote their events and to explain the philosophy behind the campaign.
For more information, please contact: [email protected]
- Links:
- Wind Day Website

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