Power curve working group
During the EWEA workshop on the Analysis of Operating Wind Farms (Lyon, France – 2-3 July 2012) it became clear that the impact of ‘non-standard’ inflow conditions on wind turbine power curves is a key issue facing the wind industry today.
A follow up activity of the workshop was the formation of a working group on the impact of ‘non-standard’ inflow conditions on power curves. The working group aims to facilitate stakeholder collaboration in order to acknowledge, address and ultimately resolve this question.
At the EWEA Resource Assessment Technology Workshop (Dublin, 25-26 June 2013) the working group shared the outcomes of this discussion with the wider industry and exchanged information on the efficacy of various power function adjustment models.
The working group was formed by a group of companies with a particular interest in this topic following the Lyon workshop. While EWEA is not actively participating in this working group, EWEA agreed to host working group proceedings and agendas on this page following a request by the working group members.
This content has now moved to a new, dedicated website, where you will find all information relating to the working group activities, including proceedings, ongoing work and future meeting agendas: http://www.pcwg.org
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