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Press services

Welcome press members! Here, you will have the opportunity to gather news of the latest advancements in products and services along with gaining insights into the future of the offshore wind energy industry. Our pledge is to make your job as easy as possible during EWEA OFFSHORE 2013.

EWEA OFFSHORE 2013 is the world’s largest offshore wind energy conference and exhibition. In 2011, EWEA brought together more than 480 exhibitors and over 8,200 participants from 62 countries. See more statistics.

EWEA OFFSHORE pressPress accreditation

Online accreditation allows journalists to register for EWEA OFFSHORE 2013 in the run-up to the event. All press representatives who register in advance will receive regular updates with information by email.

Press registration will be available soon.

For more information, contact Peter Sennekamp, Media Officer, [email protected].