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16:30 - 18:00 Storage & grid integration
Room: Tramuntana
As wind energy becomes an increasingly important power supply technology in many countries, the wind energy sector has to keep on working in collaboration with system operators and develop the technological solutions that are required. This session will present new developments that will consolidate wind energy as a major element of electricity systems: wind turbine group (WTG) hardware and software, new control strategies from WTG to global power systems as well as storage solutions.
Learning objectives
- Identify new WTG capabilities for grid operation support
- Analyse new control strategies at both WTG and wind farm level
- Understand how wind energy will/can be managed in future scenarios and at high penetrations
- Examine what is at stake to consolidate wind energy as the future leading energy source
- Identify and analyse electricity storage business models
Luis Polo, AEE, Spain
Co-chair: Santiago Arnaltes, University Carlos III of Madrid - UC3M, Spain
University of Strathclyde, United Kingdom
Commercial integration of storage and responsive demand to facilitate wind energy on the Shetland Islands
Acciona Winpower, Spain
Innovative strategy for a fast and precise frequency control provided by wind turbines
REE, Spain
Dynamic line rating (RTTR) versus seasonal rating in the electrical transmission network. correlation between wind power production and RTTR
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