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Wednesday, 12 March 2014
16:30 - 18:00 Wakes: Do we need different models for onshore and offshore wind farms?
Resource Assessment  

Room: Ponent

Session description

The accurate prediction of the wake effects within and between wind farms is vital to wind farm design and to provide a prediction of the energy output. To date, the vast majority of wind farms have been designed using engineering models which have been tuned and validated using experimental data. As wind farms become larger, empirical correction upon empirical correction are being developed upon the basis of scarce and perhaps erroneous experimental data. Perhaps this is the appropriate time to question if this is the right and only approach.

In the session advanced models and observations will be described and discussed.

Learning objectives:

  • Describe what wakes are, how they can be seen in observations and how they are modelled
  • Identify different models, state-of-the-art and more classical ones
  • See wakes in observations and understand the related issues
This session will be chaired by:
Lars Landberg, DNV GL – Energy (Garrad Hassan), Denmark


Javier Sanz Rodrigo
CENER, Spain
Benchmarking of wake models in the frame of the IEA-Wind Task 31 WAKEBENCH  

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